En esa época yo ya estaba estudiando porque mi mamá nos puso a estudiar. Mi papá decía que las mujeres no tienen por qué estudiar, que las mujeres eran de la casa. Mi mamá dijo: –No, ellas no se van a quedar brutas toda la vida, como lo es usted y como lo soy yo. Por cuenta mía les voy a dar el estudio hasta que terminen bachillerato. Entonces mi mamá nos entró al instituto Pablo VI, particular. Mi mamá muy berraquita, hacía bolis, cremas, papitas, bizcochitos, ella vendía y con eso nos dio el estudio.
> Grupo focal, barrio Manrique
At that time, I was already studying because my mom made sure we all did. My dad used to say that there was no reason for a woman to study, that women belonged in the home. My mom said:
«No , they are not going to be idiots all their lives, like you and I are.» I am going to give you your studies from my own pockets until you finish of high school.
Then my mom signed us up in a private school called Instituto Pablo VI. My mom was incredibly hardworking and resourceful, she would make ices, pops, chips, biscuits, she sold them and with that she paied for our education.
Gloria Agudelo
> Focus Group Participant, Manrique neighborhood