[Una realidad difícil de reconocer]


No había ninguna reflexión, la reflexión era conseguir plata como diera. Eso era impresionante, no había sosiego. Andaban pa’ un lado, en moto, a pie, armados, todo el mundo quería tener su arma. Casi todo muchacho andaba armado y el que no, bregando a conseguir el arma.
Eso era lo que pensaba un muchacho en ese tiempo: conseguirse un arma e irse a trabajar… Ese era el pensamiento: salir de esa pobreza tan verraca y poner a la mamá a estar bien. Y lo de ellos era tener su moto, tener su chaqueta de cuero que los distinguía de los demás de abajo. Él se conseguía su moto y se conseguía su chaqueta y ya era el putas.

Carlos Mario Rendón
> Sepulturero del Cementerio San Pedro

[A reality that is difficult to recognize]


There was no reflection, reflection was around the idea of getting money, through any means necessary. That was unbelievable, there was no rest. They went around, by bike, on foot, armed, everyone wanted to have a gun. Almost all boy were armed and those who weren’t tried incessantly to get their guns.

That was the mind frame a boy at that time: get yourself a gun and go to work… That was the mentality: leave behind such crippling poverty and give your mother the good life. They all wanted to have their motorcycle, their leather jacket which identified them as different from the others below. They would get a motorcycle and a jacket and that would make them the coolest.

Carlos Mario Rendón
> The Undertaker of the San Pedro Cemetery

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